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Sexual Addiction

“We look to the past not to find excuses for reprehensible behavior but because narrative holds the key to unlocking destructive patterns and implementing all future change.”

― Jay Stringer, Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing

  • Affair Recovery
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Trauma/Abuse
  • Faith Based Sexual Addiction Counseling

Accountability Software
Having the right accountability app is an essential tool in your recovery kit.

Use “bayside30” promo code to access 30 days for free.


Secure: Blurred screenshots are sent over HTTPS and stored using AES 256-bit encryption. We never send unblurred screenshots.

Private: Screenshots are blurred to protect your personal information and only shared with your chosen allies to maintain privacy.

Comprehensive: Screen Accountability provides more holistic insight into what you actually look at on your screens. If you see it, then we can capture it.

Money-Back Guarantee: Not satisfied with the service? Cancel within the first 30 days, ask for a refund, and you’ve got it—guaranteed.

Resources: Fight pornography with knowledge. They offer ebooks, guides, and videos to help you and your family live safely online.